How can I get the best results?
Try uploading more diverse photos in different environment, with different facial expressions in different styles. Better results are achieved if you upload 4-8 face close-ups with shoulders and 10-12 full body shots.
An avatar and a profile picture are both images that represent a person online. The main difference between the two is that the avatar implies something bigger, such as an entire character or alter ego used in gaming or the metaverse. A profile picture on the other hand is a general term for any image that represents a person on a website or social media platform.
We use a complex Artificial Intelligence software to capture an image of you, you or your beloved one (for couples) or even your pet. The system automatically generates 100+ photo realistic avatars in various design styles that are beyond your dreams. AI Avatar Maker can dress you up in the finest suite, make you a fantasy hero, an avid gym goer or a even a videogame character - there are no limits to imagination!
Try uploading more diverse photos in different environment, with different facial expressions in different styles. Better results are achieved if you upload 4-8 face close-ups with shoulders and 10-12 full body shots.
Please don’t upload anything you don’t want to see online, thats the basic best-practise rule of internet. Also no kids, nudity (beachware/lingerie is ok).
Your photos are used only for internal AI processing, we do not and will not share them with any 3rd parties or anyone without your permission. We take privacy concerns seriously.
We will use your photos only once to train the basic AI model to generate your new profile pics and after 30 days the original photos and AI model will be deleted. We store the initial model only to give you an opportunity to fine-tune and play around with different styles and scenes for free until you are 100% happy with the result
JPG/JPEG/PNG/HEIC are supported